Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year

So, I was following a few links around the web thanks to a google alert...and bumped into this quote from Sylvia Plath.

I write only because
There is a voice within me
That will not be still.
--Sylvia Plath

Could it sum up writers any better?!

I think this might have to be one of the big banners created on this blog.  Cari and I are one in the same when it comes to writing--in this one regard.  We may have our days where we don't feel like writing, when we wonder why we do this, when we would love to hang up our laptops and desktops and say fuck the world and just go back to being a reader.

But we can't.

This writing thing has its hooks into us.

It won't let go.

I won't let it go.

It's something that will be key for my 2010--I WON'T LET IT GO.

PS: Thanks to Jamie Harrington and her blog. ;) Where I found it.


Cari Quinn said...

I read the quote and said "hey," then read the part about your google alerts and knew how you'd found it. LOL Only a true friend google alerts another friend who won't even google alert herself. ;)

But yes, this quote so sums us up. Sure, we have lots of other motivations for writing. Who doesn't? But at the end of it, it comes down to a simple thing. We can't stop. And we won't.

No, you won't let go, and I'll help you hold on when your grip gets shaky, as you always do for me.


Anonymous said...

Great quote and live it.

Happy New Year and may you both have awesome years ahead in your various projects :)